Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Taking a first look

When I decided to start writing my first children's book, I wasn't sure what to expect.  I had a plan in mind for what I wanted, but getting started was difficult.  Maybe you are like me.  It took a lot of hard work, and patience on my part.  The best thing I ever did was to get other people involved in the process.  I bounced ideas off of family members and friends.  I even got a couple of professors to help me with editing.  Now my first book is about to be published, and I'm so excited!!!


  1. Hey, Jen
    You should but the name of your book and a little bit of info about it here. It would maybe help to get people interested. I told my friends here at school about you. Luv Amy

  2. I agree with Amy. What is your book about? Who are your main characters? Tell me something about them. Love, Dad

  3. I can't wait till the book comes out. Hope everything goes smoothly.
