Friday, October 12, 2012

Squirrel in the house

Monday night I heard a loud thump, thump, thumping on my kitchen and living room floor.  It sounded like an animal.  I also heard biting and chewing on the door to the downstairs.  So, of course like any rational person, I stayed in my bed, not wanting to come in contact with this critter.  The next morning I saw where it had chewed away part of the bottom of my downstairs door, but didn't see any signs of the critter.  After I got home from work (school), my dad who was visiting said he had taken care of my animal problem.  I said, "What was the animal problem?".  He said, "a big gray squirrel".  It had fallen down my chimney into the fireplace, and then to the rest of the house.  Who else but me could have had in the past a bat, bird, and now a squirrel in my house?  Maybe you've had equally strange creatures too.  I tell you this to say that writing can be like having a squirrel in your house.  You have to work hard to get that book out, even going a little crazy at times, and when you finally do, it will always be a part of your life, a story to tell.